Ruben Carlos Plesnicar, Argentina (III)
Na podlagi Rubenovih navedb sem pogledal, kaj imam v arhivu in primerjal z njegovimi navedbami, preveril sem Status animarium Ravnica (popis duš za tisti čas) in našel naslednje podatke za družino Plesničar:
English / Based on Ruben's statements, I looked at what I have in the archive and compared it with his statements, I checked the Status animarium Ravnica (inventory of souls for that time) and found the following information for the Plesničar family:
Pojasnitev je naslednja: Predhodniki na lokaciji Ravnica 42 so bili Andrej in
Marija Plesničar rojena pred letom 1800 za kar še nimam dokumentacije in
preverjam po arhivih. Njun sin je bil Jožef Plesničar (1830-188?), ki je bil
poročen z Margarito Pičulin (1829-1880).
Njuni potomci bili:
Jožef (1854-0000)
Andrej (1857-0000)
Karolina (1860-0000)
Peter (1863-0000)
Nothburga (1865-0000)
Anton (1867-0000)
Avguštin 1870-0000)
od katerih je bil Rubenov ded Andrej Plesničar (1857-000), ki se je poročil z Ano Bončina (1858-000), ki sta imela naslednje potomce:
Marija (1882-1930), poročena s Francem Pičulinom (0000-0000);
Jožef (1884-1936), prva žena Frančiška
Šuligoj (0000-0000), druga žena Jožefa Bončina (0000-0000);
Rozalija (1886-1889);
Katarina (1887-1944), poročena s
Francem Hvalo (0000-0000);
Andrej (1889-0000), poročen z Amalijo
Leban (1891-0000) – Rubenova stara starša;
Alojz (1891-0000), Rubenov stric, ki
je pripotoval v Argentino;
Rudolf (1894-0000-padel v vojni);
Franc (1897-0000);
Leopold (1900-0000);
English / The explanation is as follows:
The predecessors at the Ravnica 42
location were Andrej and Marija Plesničar, born before 1800, for which I do not
have documentation yet and I am checking the archives. Their son was Jožef
Plesničar (1830-188?), Who was married to Margarita Pičulin (1829-1880).
Their descendants were:
Josef (1854-0000)
Andrej (1857-0000)
Karolina (1860-0000)
Peter (1863-0000)
Nothburga (1865-0000)
Anton (1867-0000)
Avgustin 1870-0000)
of which Ruben's grandfather was Andrej Plesnicar (1857-000), who married Ana Boncina (1858-000), who had the following descendants:
Marija (1882-1930), married to Franc Piculin (0000-0000);
Jožef (1884-1936), first wife Franciska
Suligoj (0000-0000), second wife of Josef Boncina (0000-0000);
Rosalie (1886-1889);
Katarina (1887-1944), married to Franc
Hvala (0000-0000);
Andrej (1889-0000), married to Amalia
Leban (1891-0000) - Reuben's grandparents;
Alojz (1891-0000), Reuben's uncle, who
traveled to Argentina;
Rudolf (1894-0000-fell in the war);
Franz (1897-0000);
Leopold (1900-0000).
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