sobota, 17. april 2021

M. N., Patagonia Argentina (II)

Anton Plesničar (1871-1946) - Terezija Belingar (1877-1961) - Dorotea Plesničar (1904-1978) - Emil Milovan Plesničar (1906-2006) - Slavko Albin Plesničar (1907-1963)

Družinsko drevo;

Family tree;

Árbol de familia;

Imágenes y referencias de la Sra. Mileva Nurnberg;

Slike in navedbe gospe Mileve Nurnberg;

Pictures and references by Mrs. Mileva Nurnberg.

Milovan Plesnicar y Teresa Gatti junto a mi abuela Dorotea y sus tres hijos Mileva, Hector y Leopoldo;

Milovan Plesnicar in Teresa Gatti z mojo babico Doroteo in njunimi tremi otroki Milevo, Hectorjem in Leopoldom;

Milovan Plesnicar and Teresa Gatti with my grandmother Dorotea and their three children Mileva, Hector and Leopoldo.

Hector, Mileva y Leopoldo los tres niños de mi abuela Doroteja;

Hector, Mileva in Leopoldo trije otroci moje babice Doroteje;

Hector, Mileva and Leopoldo the three children of my grandmother Doroteja;

Solo vive mi Mama aun, con 89 años;

Samo moja mama še živi, ima 89 let.

Only my mom lives yet, with 89 years.

Albin Plesnicar ya en Argentina murio soltero y sin descendencia, yo lo adoraba;

Albin Plesnicar je v Argentini umrl sam in brez otrok, oboževala sem ga;

Albin Plesnicar Argentina died single and without children, I adored him.

A la izquierda Anton Plesnicar;

Na levi Anton Plesnicar;

On the left side Anton Plesnicar.

Dorotea, Milovan y Albin aun en Europa;

Dorotea, Milovan in Albin ko so bili še v Evropi;

Dorotea, Milovan and Albin when they were still in Europe.

Mi bisabuela Terezija Belingar;

Moja prababica Terezija Belingar;

My great-grandmother Terezija Belingar.

Mi bisabuelo Anton Plesnicar;

Moj praded Anton Plesničar;

My great-grandfather Anton Plesnicar.

Casa Plesnicar. Esta casa fue destruida por una bomba en la Primera Guerra Mundial. A la izquierda: Dorotea;

Hiša Plesničarjev, ki jo je uničila bomba v prvi svetovni vojni. Na levi: Dorotea;

Plesnicar House. This house was destroyed by a bomb in the First World War. On the left: Dorotea.

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