petek, 26. januar 2018

Milan Plesničar 1882-1969

Milan Plesničar 1882-1969 

Kot sem omenjal v blogu uvodoma imamo Plesničarji sorodnike tudi v Srbiji. V pomoč je bila literatura Marijana F. Kranjca, generalmajorja v pokoju.

Avtorja z vojaško vsebino zasledimo na naslovu: iz leta 2005, ko navaja, da so bili predniki Milana Plesničarja, divizijskega generala vojske Kraljevine Jugoslavije, Slovenci.

Raziskovanje v nadaljevanju preide na tematiko Pozabljeni del slovenske generalitete, generali in admirali vojske Kraljevine SHS in Kraljevine Jugoslavije 1919-1941, tudi avtorja Marijana F. Kranjca, objavljeno v Zgodovinskem listu 1/2003, Zgodovinskega društva Ljutomer (, ki govori o Milanu Plesničarju (rojenemu v Kragujevcu, 7. 6. 1882 – umrlemu v Coesfeldu, Nemčija 10. 5. 1969) in je bil divizijski general, inšpektor v Glavni inšpekcijski upravi in nazadnje pomočnik poveljnika 5. vojaškega območja (vir: Arhiv vojske Kraljevine Jugoslavije, Personalni karton, K-1373/286, Vojnozgodovinski inštitut, Beograd, september 2004; Bjelajac dr. Mile, Generali i admirali Kraljevine Jugoslavije 1918–1941, Beograd, 2004, str. 247–248, Vlahović Tomislav, Vitezovi Karađorđeve zvezde sa mačevima – najhrabriji medju hrabrima, Beograd, 1989 in Slobodan Kljakić, Prvi sigli doktori Kovač i Nedok, Politika, Beograd, 24. 8. 2004).

Več o Plesničarjih iz Srbije v nadaljevanju bloga.

English / As I mentioned in the blog, we also have relatives in Serbia. When I inquired about the topic on the blog, I was greatly encouraged by the literature of Marijan F. Kranjc, the retired general.

The authors of the military content can be found at the following address: from 2005, when he states that they were the ancestors of Milan Plesnicar, the division general of the army of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, of Primorska (a part of Slovenia).

At the beginning I admit that I had no idea about this, Milan Plesnicar? Slovenian name and surname and Serbia? I could not connect anything.

Immediately the thought that my grandfather Friderik Plesnicar was before in the II. world war like gendarmerie in Serbia and that from there could be descendants and relatives with Slovenian names and surnames? Well, I made a big mistake.

The research below goes on to the topic The forgotten part of the Slovenian general, generals and admirals of the army of the Kingdom of SHS and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia 1919-1941, also by the author Marijan F. Kranjc, published in Zgodovinski list 1/2003, Zgodovinsko drustvo Ljutomer ( /Vojastvo/dok/pozabljeni-generali.doc), which was my second contact with the content that speaks of Milan Plesnicar (born in Kragujevac, 7. 6. 1882 - the deceased in Coesfeld, Germany, 10.5.1969) and is he was the General of the Army of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (source: Archives of the Army of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Personnel Card, K-1373/286, Military Institute, Belgrade, September 2004; Kingdom of Yugoslavia 1918-1941, Belgrade, 2004, pp. 247-248, Vlahovic Tomislav, Vitezovi Karadjordje's stars with swords - the bravest among the brave, Belgrade, 1989 and Slobodan Kljakic, The first arrived doctors Kovac and Nedok, Politika, Belgrade, August 24, 2004).

Español / Como mencioné en el blog, Plesnicar también tiene familiares en Serbia. La literatura de Marijan F. Kranjec, un general de división jubilado, fue útil.

El autor con contenido militar se puede encontrar en: de 2005, cuando afirma que los antepasados ​​de Milan Plesnicar, un general de división del ejército de la Reino de Yugoslavia, eran eslovenos.

La investigación pasa luego al tema La parte olvidada de la generalidad eslovena, generales y almirantes del ejército del Reino de los serbios, croatas y eslovenos y el Reino de Yugoslavia 1919-1941, también de Marijan F. Kranjc, publicado en la lista Zgodovinski. 1/2003, Zgodovinski društvo Ljutomer ( /Vojastvo/dok/pozabljeni-generali.doc), quien habla de Milan Plesnicar (nacido en Kragujevac, el 7 de junio de 1882, fallecido en Coesfeld, Alemania, el 10 de mayo). , 1969) y fue general de división, inspector de la Administración de Inspección Principal y finalmente comandante adjunto del 5 ° Distrito Militar (fuente: Archivos del Ejército del Reino de Yugoslavia, Tarjeta Personal, K-1373/286, Instituto de Historia Militar, Belgrado, septiembre de 2004; Bjelajac Dr. Mile, Generales y Almirantes del Reino de Yugoslavia 1918–1941, Belgrado, 2004, págs. 247–248, Vlahovic Tomislav, la estrella con espadas de los Caballeros de Karađorđe, el más valiente entre los valientes, Belgrado, 1989 en Slobodan Kljakic, Prvi sigli doctores Kovac y Nedok, Politika, Belgrado, 24 de agosto de 2004).

Más sobre Plesnicar from Serbia en la continuación del blog.

Milan Plesničar (okoli leta 1910), (arhiv Milan Pešić, Milano).

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