Carlos Plesnicar, Argentina (I)
našim sorodnikom Rubenom Carlosom Plesnicarjem iz Argentine sva se
pogovarjala o njegovih prednikih za katere mi je navedel v začetku
samo podatek o njegovem dedu Andreju Plesničarju, da se je rodil
4.7.1889, za kraj rojstva pa je predvideval, da je to Ravnica pri
Novi Gorici.
mi je zadostoval ter sem se mu zahvalil da me je kontaktiral. S
podatki iz Arhiva sva razvozlala zadevo v obojestransko zadovoljstvo
ob dejstvu, da je še vedno upoštevan Zakon o varstvu osebnih
podatkov, ker gre za informacije, ki so starejše od 100 let za
katere hranim posamezne arhivske dokumente iz Arhiva Republike
Slovenije in Cerkvenih Arhivov.
podlagi informacije sem prišel do spodnjega dokumenta, ki sem ga
pred časom pridobil v Arhivu Republike Slovenije (Mapa I Arhiv RMK
Ravnica od 1871-1899).
ki jih je Ruben navedel so bili pravilni. Iz dokumenta je razvidno,
da se je Andrej Plesničar, njegov ded, rodil 4.7.1889 na lokaciji Ravnica 42, staršema Andreju Plesničarju in Ani Bončina. Poročil
se je 9.10.1920 z Amalijo Leban. Iz dokumenta je razvidno tudi ime
babice pri porodu (Katarina Plesničar).
nadaljevanju sem podatek povezal s cerkveno dokumentacijo (Status
animarium – popis duš) za Ravnico.
/We talked with our relative Ruben Carlos Plesnicar from Argentina
about his ancestors, for whom he initially gave me only information
about his grandfather Andrej Plesnicar, that he was born on July 4,
1889, and for the place of birth he assumed that it was Ravnica pri
Nova Gorizia.
information was enough for me and I thanked him for contacting me.
With the data from the Archives, we deciphered the matter to the
mutual satisfaction of the fact that the Personal Data Protection Act
is still complied with, because this is information older than 100
years for which I keep individual archival documents from the
Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and Church Archives.
on the information, I came across the document below, which I
obtained some time ago in the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia
(Map I Archives of the RMK Ravnica from 1871-1899).
information provided by Ruben was correct. It is evident from the
document that Andrej Plesničar, his grandfather, was born on July 4,
1889 at the location of Ravnica 42, to parents Andrej Plesnicar and
Ana Boncina. He married Amalia Leban on October 9, 1920. The document
also shows the name of the midwife at birth (Katarina Plesničar).
the following, I connected the data with the church documentation
(Status animarium - inventory of souls) for Ravnica.