ponedeljek, 26. april 2021

Mileva K. Fredes Nurnberg

Mileva Kristina Fredes Nurnberg

Mikica gracias por enviar documentación y permiso para publicar en el blog.

Babica Dorotea y yo

A la izquierda Dorotea al lado mi madre Mileva Bremec Plesničar 

Este plato trajo mi abuela cuando vino a Argentina.

Y antes de salir de su casa corto en la montaña unas flores de edelweiss que guardaba en su biblia.

Yo las puse en un cuadro 

Junto con la bandera de argentina que compro cuando llego.

Leopoldo Federico bremec hijo de Dorotea Plesničar  con su hijo mi primo querido Pablo Alejandro Bremec.
Leopoldo falleció el 7 de julio de 1917 era alguien a quien yo amaba profundamente.
Su esposa Rosalia Abalos.

El tío Milovan estaba prácticamente ciego en sus últimos años , igualmente hacía artesanías con metal y madera. A todas las mujeres de la familia le hizo un juego de cucharones de bronce . Te enviaré foto de los míos.

Dorotea Plesničar 

nedelja, 25. april 2021

Andrej Plesničar II


Dokumenta s katerima sta Andrej in Amalia pripotovala v Argentino.

Documentos con los que Andrej y Amalia llegaron a Argentina.

The documents with which Andrej and Amalia arrived in Argentina.

Andrej Plesničar I, Argentina, Pismo, Una carta de Cleveland, A letter from Cleveland


Pismo, ki ga je Andrej Plesničar prejel iz Clevelanda od sorodnika Franca Piculina (29.11.1925).

Una carta que recibió de Cleveland de un pariente de Franc Piculin (29 de noviembre de 1925).

A letter he received from Cleveland from a relative of Franc Piculin (November 29, 1925).

Español /

Cleveland, 29 de noviembre de 1925

Querido amigo,
Estoy comprobando si hay alguna novedad con ustedes. Les saludo a ti y toda tu familia esperando que se encuentren bien y te hago saber que luego de mucho tiempo hemos recibido una carta tuya que no esperabamos para nada. Nosotros pensabamos que no estabas vivo ya que no recibimos respuesta tuya por mucho tiempo y estabamos muy preocupados por ti.
Estamos muy felices de saber que estas vivo y bien y esperamos verte nuevamente en el futuro. Lamento no haberte escrito por mucho tiempo. Durante este tiempo, desde que recibimos tu última carta meses atras, estuve muy ocupado. Compré una casa y tuve algunas cosas que reparar y pintar y ahora estoy feliz de haber terminado.
Desafortunadamente tengo que decirte que nuestro hijo mayor, Frankie, murió el 31 de octubre de este año. Él falleció de neumonía, tenía 12 años. No puedo describirte lo triste que estoy por haber perdido mi amado hijo. Con su muerte toda mi alegría se ha ido. Me gustaría tener muchas mas cosas que contar pero estoy muy triste y no me es posible escribir algo mas. Nos mantenemos activos y saludables, pero? Mis mejores deseos para ti y tu familia una vez mas y que conserven buena salud.

Frank Piculin
6622 Bliss Avenue
Cleveland Ohio
Nord América 

English /

Dear friend,

I'm checking to see if there's anything new with you. I greet you and the whole family are nicely and let you know that after a long time I received a letter from you again that I did not expect at all. All of us thought you weren’t alive at all anymore because you hadn’t answered in a very long time and we were very concerned about you.

We are very happy that you are alive and well and we hope to see you again in the future. I apologize for not writing you off for so long. During that time, when I got your last letter months ago, I was very busy. I bought a house and had quite a few things to fix and repaint and now I am happy that everything is fine.

Unfortunately, I have to tell you that our oldest son, Frankie, died on October 31 this year. He died of pneumonia, he was 12 years old. I can’t describe to you how sad I am to have lost a beloved child. With his death, all my joy was gone. I would have a lot more to tell you but I am too sad to be able to write anything else. We are healthy so far and we are active, but? I greet you and the whole family once again and stay healthy.


Frank Piculin,

6622 Bliss Avenue

Cleveland Ohio

North America



nedelja, 18. april 2021

Ruben C. Plesnicar, Argentina (IV)


Tako je videti zgodovinsko družinsko drevo Rubena Carlosa Plesničarja:

English / This is what the historical family tree of Ruben Carlos Plesnicar looks like:

Še fotografija družinskega groba v Ravnici;

Another photo of the family grave in Ravnica;

R. C. Plesnicar, Argentina (III)


Ruben Carlos Plesnicar, Argentina (III)

Na podlagi Rubenovih navedb sem pogledal, kaj imam v arhivu in primerjal z njegovimi navedbami, preveril sem Status animarium Ravnica (popis duš za tisti čas) in našel naslednje podatke za družino Plesničar:

English / Based on Ruben's statements, I looked at what I have in the archive and compared it with his statements, I checked the Status animarium Ravnica (inventory of souls for that time) and found the following information for the Plesničar family:

Pojasnitev je naslednja: Predhodniki  na lokaciji Ravnica 42 so bili Andrej in Marija Plesničar rojena pred letom 1800 za kar še nimam dokumentacije in preverjam po arhivih. Njun sin je bil Jožef Plesničar (1830-188?), ki je bil poročen z Margarito Pičulin (1829-1880).

Njuni potomci bili:

Jožef (1854-0000)

Andrej (1857-0000)

Karolina (1860-0000)

Peter (1863-0000)

Nothburga (1865-0000)

Anton (1867-0000)

Avguštin 1870-0000)

od katerih je bil Rubenov ded Andrej Plesničar (1857-000), ki se je poročil z Ano Bončina (1858-000), ki sta imela naslednje potomce:

Marija (1882-1930), poročena s Francem Pičulinom (0000-0000);

Jožef (1884-1936), prva žena Frančiška Šuligoj (0000-0000), druga žena Jožefa Bončina (0000-0000);

Rozalija (1886-1889);

Katarina (1887-1944), poročena s Francem Hvalo (0000-0000);

Andrej (1889-0000), poročen z Amalijo Leban (1891-0000) – Rubenova stara starša;

Alojz (1891-0000), Rubenov stric, ki je pripotoval v Argentino;

Rudolf (1894-0000-padel v vojni);

Franc (1897-0000);

Leopold (1900-0000);

English / The explanation is as follows:

The predecessors at the Ravnica 42 location were Andrej and Marija Plesničar, born before 1800, for which I do not have documentation yet and I am checking the archives. Their son was Jožef Plesničar (1830-188?), Who was married to Margarita Pičulin (1829-1880).

Their descendants were:

Josef (1854-0000)

Andrej (1857-0000)

Karolina (1860-0000)

Peter (1863-0000)

Nothburga (1865-0000)

Anton (1867-0000)

Avgustin 1870-0000)

of which Ruben's grandfather was Andrej Plesnicar (1857-000), who married Ana Boncina (1858-000), who had the following descendants:

Marija (1882-1930), married to Franc Piculin (0000-0000);

Jožef (1884-1936), first wife Franciska Suligoj (0000-0000), second wife of Josef Boncina (0000-0000);

Rosalie (1886-1889);

Katarina (1887-1944), married to Franc Hvala (0000-0000);

Andrej (1889-0000), married to Amalia Leban (1891-0000) - Reuben's grandparents;

Alojz (1891-0000), Reuben's uncle, who traveled to Argentina;

Rudolf (1894-0000-fell in the war);

Franz (1897-0000);

Leopold (1900-0000).

R. C. Plesnicar, Argentina (II)


Ruben Carlos Plesnicar, Argentina (II)

Vse to kar navajam vključno z dokumentacijo so dragoceni zgodovinski dokumenti za družino Plesničar iz Ravnice 42.

V nadaljevanju sva si z Rubenom izmenjala informacije v katerih Ruben navaja naslednje podatke:

Moji predhodniki so v Argentino odpotovali 14.11.1923 iz pristanišča Genova na ladji CONTE VERDE in sicer:

Ded Andrej Plesničar, rojen v Ravnici (?), Furlanija 4.7.1889;

Babica Amalija Leban, rojena v Grgarju, 10.2.1891;

Njuna italijanska ?? otroka sta prišla pozneje za njima:

Jože Plesničar, rojen v Solkanu, 27.8.1922;

Otilia Plesničar, rojena 6.6.1919; z njima je pripotoval tudi Andrejev brat Alojz Plesničar, rojen v Ravnici, Furlanija, 7.8.1891.

Posredoval mi je spodnje dokumente s katerimi se dokazuje istovetnost podatkov.

English /All that I state, including the documentation, are valuable historical documents for the Plesničar family from Ravnica 42.

Subsequently, Ruben and I exchanged information in which Ruben provides the following information:

My predecessors traveled to Argentina on 14 November 1923 from the port of Genoa on the ship CONTE VERDE, namely:

Grandfather Andrej Plesnicar, born in Ravnica (?), Friuli on 4 July 1889;

Grandmother Amalija Leban, born in Grgar, 10 February 1891;

Their Italian ?? the children came after them later:

Jože Plesnicar, born in Solkan, August 27, 1922;

Otilia Plesnicar, born on June 6, 1919; his brother also traveled with them Alojz Plesnicar, born in Ravnica, Friuli, 7 August 1891

He provided me with the documents below to prove the identity of the data.

R. C. Plesnicar, Argentina (I)


Ruben Carlos Plesnicar, Argentina (I)

Z našim sorodnikom Rubenom Carlosom Plesnicarjem iz Argentine sva se pogovarjala o njegovih prednikih za katere mi je navedel v začetku samo podatek o njegovem dedu Andreju Plesničarju, da se je rodil 4.7.1889, za kraj rojstva pa je predvideval, da je to Ravnica pri Novi Gorici. 

Andrej Plesničar

Podatek mi je zadostoval ter sem se mu zahvalil da me je kontaktiral. S podatki iz Arhiva sva razvozlala zadevo v obojestransko zadovoljstvo ob dejstvu, da je še vedno upoštevan Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov, ker gre za informacije, ki so starejše od 100 let za katere hranim posamezne arhivske dokumente iz Arhiva Republike Slovenije in Cerkvenih Arhivov.

Na podlagi informacije sem prišel do spodnjega dokumenta, ki sem ga pred časom pridobil v Arhivu Republike Slovenije (Mapa I Arhiv RMK Ravnica od 1871-1899).

Podatki, ki jih je Ruben navedel so bili pravilni. Iz dokumenta je razvidno, da se je Andrej Plesničar, njegov ded, rodil 4.7.1889 na lokaciji Ravnica 42, staršema Andreju Plesničarju in Ani Bončina. Poročil se je 9.10.1920 z Amalijo Leban. Iz dokumenta je razvidno tudi ime babice pri porodu (Katarina Plesničar).

V nadaljevanju sem podatek povezal s cerkveno dokumentacijo (Status animarium – popis duš) za Ravnico.

English /We talked with our relative Ruben Carlos Plesnicar from Argentina about his ancestors, for whom he initially gave me only information about his grandfather Andrej Plesnicar, that he was born on July 4, 1889, and for the place of birth he assumed that it was Ravnica pri Nova Gorizia. 

The information was enough for me and I thanked him for contacting me. With the data from the Archives, we deciphered the matter to the mutual satisfaction of the fact that the Personal Data Protection Act is still complied with, because this is information older than 100 years for which I keep individual archival documents from the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and Church Archives.

Based on the information, I came across the document below, which I obtained some time ago in the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (Map I Archives of the RMK Ravnica from 1871-1899).

The information provided by Ruben was correct. It is evident from the document that Andrej Plesničar, his grandfather, was born on July 4, 1889 at the location of Ravnica 42, to parents Andrej Plesnicar and Ana Boncina. He married Amalia Leban on October 9, 1920. The document also shows the name of the midwife at birth (Katarina Plesničar).

In the following, I connected the data with the church documentation (Status animarium - inventory of souls) for Ravnica.