Anton Plesničar, Čepovan (1873–1918)
Anton Plesničar, Čepovan (1873–1918)
O Antonu Plesničarju iz Čepovana, ki je umrl kot Kamenjski župnik leta 1918 sem že pisal na blogu ter ga opisal s spodnjimi podatki, ki mi jih je posredoval g. Pavel P. Bratina iz Kamnja.
Anton Plesničar, kamenjski župnik (1873–1918), Anton je bil pesnik in t.i. pesniška duša.
Sin Antona in Marije Plesničar iz Čepovana, rojen 24. 1. 1873,
p. (posvečen) 25. 7. 1896, župnik v Kamnjah 1913–1918,
umrl + 11. 10. 1918 v Kamnjah, pokopan v Kamnjah pri Ajdovščini (MK 5753).
Pred dnevi sem obiskal pokopališče v Kamnjah kjer sta nastali spodnji fotografiji;
Jelica Plesničar Blažina (roj. 1911), hči Antona Plesničarja (1871-1946), poročena z Antonom Blažino (1905-1976) je živela v Argentini.
Mileva Kristina Fredes Nurnberg
Mikica gracias por enviar documentación y permiso para publicar en el blog.
Babica Dorotea y yo
A la izquierda Dorotea al lado mi madre Mileva Bremec
Este plato trajo mi abuela cuando vino a Argentina.
Y antes de salir de su casa corto en la montaña unas flores
de edelweiss que guardaba en su biblia.
Yo las puse en un cuadro
Dokumenta s katerima
sta Andrej in Amalia pripotovala v Argentino.
Documentos con los
que Andrej y Amalia llegaron a Argentina.
The documents with
which Andrej and Amalia arrived in Argentina.
ki ga je Andrej Plesničar prejel iz Clevelanda od sorodnika Franca Piculina
carta que recibió de Cleveland de un pariente de Franc Piculin (29 de noviembre de 1925).
letter he received from Cleveland from a relative of Franc Piculin (November
29, 1925).
Español /
Cleveland, 29 de noviembre de 1925
Dear friend,
I'm checking to see if there's anything new with you. I greet you and the
whole family are nicely and let you know that after a long time I received a
letter from you again that I did not expect at all. All of us thought you
weren’t alive at all anymore because you hadn’t answered in a very long time
and we were very concerned about you.
We are very happy that you are alive and well and we hope to see you again
in the future. I apologize for not writing you off for so long. During that
time, when I got your last letter months ago, I was very busy. I bought a house
and had quite a few things to fix and repaint and now I am happy that
everything is fine.
Unfortunately, I have to tell you that our oldest son, Frankie, died on
October 31 this year. He died of pneumonia, he was 12 years old. I can’t
describe to you how sad I am to have lost a beloved child. With his death, all
my joy was gone. I would have a lot more to tell you but I am too sad to be
able to write anything else. We are healthy so far and we are active, but? I
greet you and the whole family once again and stay healthy.
Frank Piculin,
6622 Bliss Avenue
Cleveland Ohio
North America