sreda, 9. junij 2021

Družina Plesničar Sedovec - Ravnica (III)


Bogomil Plesničar 1909-1992, Zofija Humar Plesničar 1908-1994

Ivan Plesničar in Pablo Bremec ARG

Milovan Plesničar v starosti 98 let ARG

torek, 1. junij 2021

Družina Plesničar Sedovec - Ravnica (II)


              Leopold Bremec (1897-1963)
                                                     Dorotea Plesničar Bremec (1904-1978)

                                                        Hector Plesničar (1942-)

petek, 28. maj 2021

John Plesnicar, El Segundo, California, USA (IV)


John indicated to me that he would be interested in any information relating to his history.

The path of his grandfather Anton (1868-1932) was very interesting.

The documentation he sent me shows that his great-grandfather Anton (1868-1932) moved from Slovenia (then Austria-Hungary) to Brezno in Slovakia, where he married Maria Bosziny on September 25, 1899.

He came to the United States in 1913, and his son Andrew Peter Plesnicar (1907-1985) John's grandfather followed him there in 1920 along with his mother Maria Bosziny.

John’s grandfather Andrew Peter Plesnicar (1907-1985) always said when he was young that he was from Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia was mentioned in immigration documents from 1920. John only recently found out during the search that the surname was Slovenian and said that most of his life he had no idea about the correct origin of the surname Plesničar.

As far as John is concerned, history has become explored and traceable. How they will preserve it and explore it more widely is in their domain. I also keep his wider pedigree, which I will send him. The majority of his relatives still live in Slovenia.

John Plesnicar, El Segundo, California, USA (III)


John told me that no one in their family knew anything about these names, including his father Andrew J. Plesnicar (Anton’s grandson 1940-), who is still alive.

He stated that his grandfather Andrew Peter Plesnicar (1907-1985) knew nothing about his great-grandfather's siblings or great-grandparents. If possible he knew, he never talked about it.

When things are not archived and documented, unfortunately, the information is forgotten and every year there is less chance of finding another 100-year-old and more old kinship.

Anton Plesnicar, born in Ravnica in 1868, died in Chicago, Illinois in 1932.

One of Anton's sons, Andrew Peter Plesnicar (John's grandfather), was born in 1907 and came to the United States in 1920. He died in 1985 in Franklin Park, Illinois.

Andrew J. Plesnicar (John’s father) was born in Illinois in 1940 and still lives.

John P. Plesnicar (CEO of LNG Global) was born in 1967 in Illinois and lives in El Segundo, California, USA.

John's contact information:

John Plesnicar, El Segundo, California, USA (II)


According to the information i ve had in the archives, his great-grandfather Anton Plesnicar was born in 1868 in Ravnica near the then Gorica.

At the beginning, I looked at what I have in my documentation and found the following:

His great-grandfather Anton was born in 1868 (parents Peter Plesnicar 1831-1900 and Marija Batic 1832-1909), he had a twin sister named Marija. His brothers and sisters were: Stefan (1856), Jozef (1858), Andrej (1860, died 1861) and Terezija (1862).

His great-grandparents were Peter Plesnicar (1831-1900) and Marija Batic (1832-1909) and the oldest perceived ancestors so far Jozef Plesnicar (1792-1865) and Marija Batic (1799-1880).

John Plesnicar, El Segundo, California, USA (I)


Some time ago, we were in contact with a relative, John Plesnicar, who is the director of LNG Global at Ferris State University in El Segundo, California, USA. Specifically EL Segundo sticks to Los Angeles.

Due to the possible traceability of the data, I decided to archive things and publish them on a blog.

John explained to me that he had only recently found out that the surname Plesnicar was of Slovenian origin.

With such research, it is always important for people to look at the graph below of how the areas have changed over the centuries and under the jurisdiction of which countries have been ours over the centuries.